Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Brainstorming Ideas

I've been further thinking about ideas that we could use for our thriller opening. After viewing a few various openings to some popular thrillers, I have decided myself that jumping straight in with an image that immediately causes suspense (a shocking image etc.) is more captivating, and so I was thinking that our group could use this technique. I've also noticed that blood or death in the first scene makes the viewer go, "what?" which successfully starts the movie off as a thriller, which is what our group hopes to do. Here's a quick sketch of what I had in mind. It's nothing pro, but it's an idea.:

Also, suspenseful music, but not a full on song, seems to be more effective when creating suspense. A simple piano tune in a higher octave seems very successful. For example:

Hopefully, my group likes my idea, because then we have something to base our opening off. :)

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