On Mondays lessons 5th of December 2011 we were introduced into what is called a health a safety tutorial. Before we began our blogs our teacher Dan showed us how to use the cameras such as how to slot in the battery and the memory card into the camera, thus resulting in us doing abit of practical work on how to do this. This was very helpful as I found it difficult to use these sorts of cameras due to its size and let’s not forget it is very expensive. Our teacher Dan went around the class looking at how we would insert the battery and the memory card into the camcorder. We all had to sign a contract and all had to have our media cards with us by doing so we were able to gain access to the cameras and were able to use them not just in school but outside. We also were given warnings
Such as:
1). If you break the camera you will have to pay for another one
2). If the teacher or any member of staff sees misusing the camera then the teacher or staff will automatically substitute you to do coursework as an alternative
3). You must always have a spare battery with you

This is the type of camcorder that my group will be using in the production of filming to come.
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