Friday, 20 January 2012

genre and sub genre

Genre and sub genre
Genre is defined as any category of literature, now in films it would be either a thriller, horror, science fiction, comedy, action or more.  A sub genre in a way tells us that there is more to a particular genre for example a detective mystery, they are usually considered as being a sub-type or sub-genre of gangster films or suspense or thriller . This sort of films focus on the unsolved crime (usually the murder or disappearance of one or more of the characters, or a theft). Another good example of a sub genre would be romance this category shares some features with romantic dramas , romantic comedies, and sexual and erotic films. These are love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic engagement between the main characters.

The sub genre of this film would be action
age rate: 12
genre: comedy

There are many elements that are used on the poster of tower heist that give it that wow factor for example the use of mise en scene which is the expression used to describe the design aspects of theatre production and film production. The use of setting was very dramatic as there were seven people standing on top of a building looking almost down at the city as if they are the ones who own it from top to bottom within that particular city. The use of naturalistic colours made it seem very realistic to the viewer as the brightness emphasise the fact that they are on top of the building and they are more closer to the sky were the sun can reflect. The clothing that these people were wearing was black, black is seen as a being the   colour of authority, power, and in some cases crime again emphasising and reinforcing the fact that are the sheriffs of the city. The body language and the position of the characters tell us who is in charged within the group as Eddie Murphy and Ben stiller are standing  next to each other as if they are the leaders of the group due to them being both well known actors it only makes sense if they get the main roles. The use of props emphasised that there is going to be action in the film as Eddie Murphy is holding a pole and has this aggressive facial expression. This could emphasise that the pole is the main weapon within the moviefor eddie Murphy.

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