Sunday, 26 February 2012


As a director and camera-man in "Lucid" I have planned to experiment with handheld in our opening but also having some classic shots as MCU and CU. The opening of "Lucid" needs to give enough information to catch the audience into the story and create intrigue but also has to be interesting in the way is tell. As a director I want to give life to objects as the main character follows the orders of a mobile it is important to create that connection between objects and audience. To to this I have been looking at the work of Pedro Almodovar; Spanish director who is famous for his romantic and dramatic stories based on a woman as a main character. The use of the ECU in objects with panning in his films is very effective to create that connection between object-audience and even when is totally different genre I will like to experiment this technique.

Todo sobre mi Madre
(All about my mother)
This kind of shots are very interesting for the audience and as I believe can be very effective in a thriller. This technique was used in "The stepfather" just once.

The stepfather
This technique will be definitely something that I will experiment with during the filming, I will try to do the most of the filming in handheld, to accomplished a better views for the audience and be different from the other openings.

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