Thursday, 16 February 2012

Genre and Subgenre

Genre is defined as the term of any category of literature and can be used to group things based on their similar conventions which can change over time. In the case of film, the genre can be determined by the similarities in narrative elements. There are many different genres in which a film can fall into and certain genres can have different aspects to them which lead to different branches of any one genre which are called sub genres. Some examples of film genres can be: comedy, thriller, horror, romance, science-fiction, action-adventure ect. When a film company is going to make a film they will chose which genre they would like their film to fit into because different genres of films attract different types of audiences, therefore deciding the genre of a film is a very vital thing and should be chosen carefully.

Most films will clearly fit into a particular genre; however, some other films may be hard to classify as they may seem to fit into more than one genre, this is called a hybrid film. An example of a hybrid film would be James Cameron's 'Avatar' as it falls into many categories or genres. Just a few of the genres 'Avatar' could be put into are science-fiction, romance, action-adventure or thriller. Therefore as 'Avatar' is a hybrid and covers many genres this will give the film an advantage as it has a wider audience and many people would be interested in it if it covers the type of film genre they usually like to watch.

Sub genres are like different branches of a genre of film. For example, thriller is a genre but there are numerous sub genres of this which are all classified under the title of thriller. The sub genres of thriller will share similar narrative elements, however each sub genre will contain slightly different conventions which lead them to be different from the next sub genre of thriller. Some examples of sub genres of thrillers can be action, physiological, crime, drama, horror, swashbuckler ect. These can all be classified as thriller films, however each of them have slightly different conventions which lead them to  have their own sub genre.

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