Monday, 20 February 2012

Further analysis into sub genres of thriller

After having looked into sub genres of thriller films, I thought that I should analyse them further as this may help me to decide what kind of genre I might like my film opening to fit into. As listed before some of the sub genres of thriller can be action, physiological, crime, drama, horror, swashbuckler ect. Below are two film covers of two thriller films however they are of two different sub genres, one action and the other physiological.

This is the cover to the film "Predator" a 1987 film directed by John McTiernan. I believe that the sub genre of this thriller film is action. Some clues from the cover that suggest this are; that the man is holding a gun which shows there may be violence in this film  which is a common aspect to action films. The mans body language and the way that his eyes are looking around lead me to believe that he is on guard and aspecting and ready for something to happen. The man looks worried and wary and like he is uncertain of what is happening and he is not in full control of what is going on. The title is written in a clear legible font which stands out as the colour of this is red. The colour red connotes danger and warning which further reflects the mood of the man being worried and on guard as he knows some danger may be approaching. The main image of this cover is based on a black background; the colour black connotes fear and perhaps even death. This could be used to infer to us that even though the man in the image is putting on a brave face and looking tough, he may have an underlying fear inside that he may come to harm. Underneath the title is a small caption which says "Soon the hunt will begin" this links to the title of the film as it is called "Predator" and predators hunt weaker untenable creatures. However, over the main image we see a rifle target pointing directly at the man in the centre which suggests that he may be the one who is being hunted down.

This next cover is to the film "Orphan" a 2009 film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. I believe that the sub genre of this thriller film is physiological. I have chosen a different sub genre to "Predator" so that I can look into two different types of sub genres so I will have an understanding of multiple sub genres of thrillers. This will help me to be able to understand the conventions of more than one sub genre which will broaden my knowledge and help me to decide which sub genre I like best. 
In this cover, like "Predator" there is one character featured directly in the centre of the image, however here we see a young girl. The girls body language shows she is calm and comfortable as she is facing straight on with a neutral calm expression on her face; which contrasts with the man in "Predator" as he is worried and alert. I believe that the eye contact here is very important as she looks directly straight ahead like she is confident and in control. This directly contrasts with the man in "Predator" as he is looking around uncertainly like he is worried and not in control of the situation at all. This seems odd as a full grown man is worried whereas a young girl is calm and comfortable with the situation, it is almost like this should be the other way round. What has been done here is the use of counter-types; as the man is portrayed in a way that is not stereotypical of his gender as he is shown to be vulnerable. This is also a counter-type of the girl as normally a child would be the vulnerable one however here this is not the case as she is powerful and in control. The use of counter-types may be a good way to attract a audience, as if they see someone portrayed in a way that is different and unusual to the way they are normally portrayed, this may lead them to have questions about why this is and make them want to watch the film to have their questions answered. 
In this cover the title is featured in a legible font, the colour of which is white. The colour white reflects innocence and purity which we would associate with a young girl immediately as she seems vulnerable and innocent when you first see the image of her. However, underneath the title there is a caption which says "can you keep a secret?" This could suggest that her innocence is being questioned and shows that there must be something else going on with her that we do not know about yet which may lead the audience to want to watch the film to know what this 'secret' might be about this girl. This caption is written in the colour red which connotes fear, danger and warning. This suggests that she is not as innocent as she seems and that we should be warned that there may be something underlying and different about her that we do not know about. 

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