Friday, 30 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 3 (Part 2)

In the titles of my film opening one will observe that the production company that I have used to create the film was Candi Studios which is an independent company. Independent companies are small and usually have a low budget for the film which means that Lucid does not have excessive amounts of money pumped into it. In terms of the production the low budget didn't effect much because our film is simple and clear therefore it doesn't need to use many special effects which a lot of money would be spent on in other films. From looking into the film Paranormal Activity I have learnt that when the first film was made they had an extremely low budget of $15,000 however this did not stop them from making a extremely successful film as they made $193,355,800 in the box office. I have faith in Lucid and I feel that even though we had a low budget it can be very successful like Paranormal Activity is.

A slight negative of using Candi Studios would again be the budget because we would have to focus on local distribution. Local distribution is very limited as it is only within your town or city because there is not much money to make it go further outside of here. The types of distribution are global, national and local. It would be nice to be able to go global as with this we would be able to get a bigger audience and therefore sell more. We hope to start off with locational distribution and then for our film to be spotted, perhaps by people from conglomerate distributions companies so they can help us out with distribution globally. We would go to film festivals where there will be loads of people there that can have links to conglomerates. There are five main conglomerates within the media are these are; Universal Studios, Time Warner, Walt Disney, News Corporation and Viacom. These companies are so huge and powerful that they own 95% of the media in the world. The other 5% is made up of small independent companies such as Candi Studios. 

The positive side of choosing Candi Studios is that because it is not owned by a conglomerate, they can do what they like with out being controlled and told what to do. They do not have to follow any standardised format or layout for production or post-production, they can go about it however they like. This means that Candi Studios has much more creative flexibility than a conglomerate would have. I am very happy with my choice of Candi Studios as having more creative flexibility means that you can make your feel with a personal touch. For me, the positives weighted out the negatives for Candi Studios this is why I was very happy choosing it. The outcome meant that I could have a different unique film that is like no other produced by a conglomerate because I had more say in the creation of it and this made it a more personal film. 

We used viral marketing for Lucid through social networking site such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. With the limited budget this was the main way that we marketed. These social networking sites are very popular with teenagers and young adults today so I thought that this was a good way to market as this will directly reach our target audience. I put adverts on Facebook which appear in the side bar when you are using the site so that people will see it instantly when they sign in and it will catch their eye so they will remember our film. And then when they see it appear for the cinema they would be more likely to know about it and watch it. Therefore I felt that this was a very good way to distribute so we solely focused our marking on this. However, as seen in the previous post, I also decided to distribute Lucid through magazines. This was very successful too as the magazine was targeted at teenagers so they are likely to read it and therefore see our film promoted on it. If they like the magazine then they will trust its judgment and be more likely to go and watch the film. These ways of marketing didn't cost a lot of money, they were simple but effective. 

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