Friday 9 March 2012

Film openings that have inspired me 2

This embedded video above is of the 1988 film "Enemy of the State". I like this film opening because it uses a Traditional film opening structure but has been stylised as well. I like the idea of using a standardised structure but stylising it to make it original and our own so its personal to us, and this is something I'd like to do in my real film opening. I believe that a Traditional film opening would be good because the audience are used to that kind of opening and they would feel comfortable watching it because they know what they expect from the opening and we are able to introduce all the necessary things that we need to in an organised way. However making this a bit stylised will be a good thing so it can be a contemporary opening.
I liked how in this film opening the titles are in a clear modern font. I think using a modern font will be a good thing so that the audience know that is not an old fashioned boring movie, it is modern and it will be interesting and this is something I would like to use in my film opening. Also, the font it written in the colour white which is clear and makes it easy for everyone to read which would be a good thing to do in our film opening.

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